SKU: 553ed337d86605.39656771
Unshackled: Breaking Out Of the Last Chains of Slavery!
Unless society our is detoxified and black people are unshackled by the truth of God's Word, no matter how much emancipation" we proclaim or how often we sing, We shall overcome" and how many Civil Rights legislations we pass. Both Kunta Kinte and the Klu Klux Klan will forever remain victims of Racism, and Black people will continue to be treated as inferior, subhuman, and evil as long as these lies shall remain unchallenged and unrefuted! Racism is a disease of which lies are the cause and for which Truth is the only cure! When societies stop feeding its people with lies and start telling the truth about all people prejudices will soon die out. Unshackled is the DVD presentation to help break the last chains of slavery! Get your copies now!
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